After asking were the research. on CBD was coming from I was told Rick Simpson... and Canada
To face book :- were is this CBD oil kills cancer coming from can any one point me to the research... thank you
from FB :- Cbd oil and alkaline water will help you.
from FB :- THC is needed to kill cancer.
from FB :- Yes, cbd with thc will do that!
from FB :- Has to be 97 to 98% thc to be effective for cancer cells ,cbd oil just a scam
To face book :- THC 950mg CBD 20mg to 75kg body weight per day.... for 60 to 365 days.....
here some of lots of THC research. this bit from DCCC in Spain
:-The dosing guide firstly gives you a maximum daily dosage based on studies by Manuel Guzmán. Manuel Guzmán - Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Complutense University of Madrid, member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Pharmacy, and member of the Board of Directors of the International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines. His research focuses on the study of the mechanism of action and therapeutic properties of cannabinoids, especially in the nervous system. This work has given rise to more than one hundred publications in specialized international journals, as well as to several international patents on the possible therapeutic applications of cannabinoids as anticancer and neuroprotective drugs.
To face book :- were is this CBD oil kills cancer coming from can any one point me to the research... thank you
from FB :- Watch Run from the cure by Rick Simpson on YouTube happened here in Canada.
To face book :- I know all about MR Simpson thank you....
from FB :- Rick Simpson it came from Canada
To face book :- Rick used high THC oils decarded to 95% or more.. working on 1gr a day at 95%.... his maths were not to great but hey he's a farmer... not a Dr
To face book :- were is CBD oil kills cancer coming from, can any one point me to the research..... ???
from FB :- Rick Simpson on YouTube Hemp oil
To face book :- I was asking were the research. on CBD was coming from not THC.... cannabis oils were 1st make in china around 3000BC, i know Ricks getting on a bit but he's not from china. you may be right he could be over 5000 years old...
i think you will fine He made Rick Simpsons Hemp oil not Cannabis oil this has lead to a lot of miss info, as it was not made from hemp but high THC cannabis in some cases with no CBD but all way THC...
i am not saying in anyway you should not take CBD you should use a full FECO oil made from all the top bud....with a little of all the cannabinoids and lots of THC.. i have made lot of videos showing other how to do this.... it about us all moving on with good info ... we got to do a lot to find info that's been hidden for 5000 years.... bet you did not know that women were the 1st of the makers and it stayed that why until around 1600....
from Culpepers herbal 1653... Hemp - it is so common a plant and so well known by almost every resident of this kingdom that a description of it would be altogether superfluous -
blog about this but i must say it a little mind blowing.... not which canabis but were does it come from....would Local be better????
do some get help missleading other..... for now no one know for sure.... but it would sure look that way