The Nettle Epoch 20/20 – Part 2



Part 2

'On the heights overlooking the crossroads

she takes her stand'

          The blessings of wisdom - From the book of proverbs - Ketuvim number 8




he inn was more welcoming inside than it had appeared from the outside, Nwyfree set about battening down the hatches whilst instructing the 12 to settle in the comfy chairs that surrounded the fireplace, it was piled with wood ready to be lit....All it needed was a spark. After closing the shutters the Nettle lady made her way across the room to do just that, and then proceeded to light a number of candles around the room....the smell of incense danced around them.

Although cosy, the room was sparse dominated by two large stones either side of the fire - the first a bright blue turquoise stone, a talisman for protection revered by the ancestors. The second a huge peridot born of fire and light. As the storm continued to rage outside they did indeed feel protected inside and began to relax once again. From a nook in the fire Nwyfree produced a freshly baked rich fruit loaf and invited them to break bread with her.'Would you like some Nettle wine?' she inquired.'It will put a fire in your belly!' she chuckled. They all were poured a small chalice each and the conversation began. 'Why do they call you the Nettle lady one of the 12 inquired - In truth they had all been itching to ask.

' It began when I found myself seemingly trapped in the mundane,I travelled to the boundaries, discovered the productive edges and became aware of internal foundries. It was an elemental journey, starting with the earth, from aggregates to soil, a transformation into the key stone. As I was once invited, you All too can journey down a less trodden path where nature is teacher and wild magick tickles your fingertips, the Nettle epoch is upon us my friends! Listen closely and I will tell you her story....

News of the Nettle, A little bird brought me,

A message given to her whilst flying free,

Of how this year, if you get pierced - you will feel a sting oh so fierce!

Urere! Urere!.....To burn! To burn!

Bringer of the flame - A wisdom we call Nettlology,

A pioneer plant, which cannot be tamed.

A guardian of the threshold - transporter of the breath.

She is ready now for war - she is ready to protect,

Some say she is evasive, or is she screaming to be heard?


Hear me cry!

Take heed of every word.

There exists, such a symbiosis, with this our ancient mother,

called living fossil, called famine food,

A plant unlike any other.

Protector of beast and bird, creator of soil,

A harvest you can gather, without the need to toil.

Queen of transmutation, A guide to us through change,

Resilient and adaptable, evolved down through an age.

Brings antidote to the sickly sweet, A mothers milk for pain,

To nourish and to strengthen, food directly to your brain.

Teaches about boundaries, stokes internal foundries - Assists synapse interchange.

She is energised to act, when things around get tough.

Nettle is the one nature calls on, when she has had enough.

For she is destined to make a stand, To heal the ravages wrought upon the land,

She holds the power against the foe, whom through the land does rove,

Her roots run deep and she brings flow, If you meet her you will know!

After initiation - Nettle offers ALL she has, she has the empathy to feel,

How we too are Nettled, dont know whats real.

Tantalizingly veiled, her wisdom - not all has been revealed,

If the world makes you feel weary, let her be your shield.

Connect with this powerful ally, who holds the power of light and dark,

You may think it strange, but at close range, she will lay bare her spark.

Time for urtification - movement, growth and change,


Through photo-chemical exchange,

To sting as the Nettle does, two houses now united,

Chose unity, evolve, be free, your passions now ignited,

When taking council with the Nettle, show caution, give respect,

For ALL she gives,

And ALL she knows,




The 12 had been listening raptly, with a her eyes blazing she stood 'this too will pass' she exclaimed and with a flourish she grasped the Nettle and threw it on the fire, there was a spark so bright it flew from the hearth and danced around them, it got bigger and bigger until it became so bright they all had to close their eyes. Colours swirled around their inner vision - first bright hot pinks, purples and oranges, giving way to yellows and greens. They also saw a miriad of different shapes - squares,circles,triangles and ones they could not name configering into symbols they did not recognise.

Finally a calm came and their inner landscape grew blue, things returned to their rightful place and the universe breathed out. Slowly they opened their eyes.....They had travelled between the lines, through the secret door of the leaps of life and were now clothed in pure energy,they slowly realised that they were no longer in the Wergla inn but in a cave,they looked about themselves in wonder and saw they had come to a place where the light meets the dark and becomes one. It was warm in the cave and beside them was there was a small underground pool fed by a small waterfall, shafts of light shone through small fissures in the stone above making the water sparkle, on its surface grew many white flowers of countless speices fragrant and glowing. On the wall etched in the rock was a symbol of a snake or maybe it was a dragon, forming a circle and eating its own tale.


Instinctively,the 12 stepped into the pool and rested there awhile,it felt womb like, they listened to the sounds of the breath and the water, smelling the fragrant flowers. They felt refreshed as though a lifetime of weariness had been washed from them -they felt whole and grounded.

It was then that they noticed a small passage with stone steps leading up to ....well....they did not know...and so it was that they departed from that place the 12 changed, shadows no longer but whole and energisised, foccused and able to truly see not just with their eyes but by All available means. They travelled up the tunnel and emerged to a bright blue, clear sky. They found themselves in a beautiful meadow, it was outside the ideas of right or wrongdoings. All about them Nettles grew tall and majestic as far as the eye could see.

The plane of the plant minds had gifted them this close encounters of the Werde kind,itself a fragment of the line of knowledge which runs through the collective consciousness like a divine golden thread. And all of a sudden they knew of the Nettle seed and leaf, they knew of the root, stem and flowers.They knew of its powers of transmutation and indominable spirit. The line of knowledge had taught them how to respect its wild nature, to understand its niche in the web of life and how to work alongside this abundant resource for food, medicine, earth care, fibre and Art.

And so it came to pass that the 12 settled there and each brought another 12 so their numbers equalled 144. They had gained 20/20 vision and their vibration attracted still others who travelled to that place looking for answers to questions they did not know and as they were once invited,they now invited their brothers and sisters to join the Nettle Epoch....If you are ever travelling in those parts and you listen very carefully at dusk when it is time to gather round the fire, you just may hear their cry....

'Nettle Tribe, we all shall rise....Nettlology




And the Nettle lady?.... No one knows where she went or when she will appear again but if the path less trodden is of interest to you and you truly wish to seek the line of knowledge so it may continue unbroken then there will always be room at the inn for just need to knock.

For infomation on the practical far reaching applications of Nettles, click HERE


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