Nessas Blog 3


Hello again! I hope you have a lot of time because this is going to be a long, exciting blog! I'm writing about... my trip to Spain! So sit back relax and...well don't really sit back because you have to read this sooo...

It took a bit of time organising but we got packed and ready to go. We went shopping first once we finished we were off and excited! We drove to Birmingham in the camper van, my dad said he would meet us there, so I could see him before we left, I had a great time with my dad he got me some little things for my holiday and I even had macdonlds! After I said goodbye it was bed time so I snuggled up on the first night in the campervan.

Us going over a bridge - I don't like heights!

Now we are off bright and early in the morning to the next campsite spot. This campsite I will not forget....

It started boring I was on my tablet most of the way there. It is a nice place and very green and big. There was  a little forest there so me, mom and Logen went for a walk while Paul slept or whatever men do when the woman and kids have left. We walked for a bit in a circle before going down the path then... there was a really spooky, drippy sign that said beware.

Mom said it was probably boggy, dangerous there and to go a different path."Yeah, dangerous because of bears..." I mumbled as we walked away. I was very cautious but was distracted because of a cute fairy door.

In the spooky wood on a bridge.

The cute little fairy door I was on about.

Oh and then mom said "Logen! do you want to go past the bewere singh even though Nessa has told me endless times she does not trust it!!" Oh my goodness, Logen [being the happy little, ready to do enything, bundle of joy he is] said yes. An my mom knew I knew she knew Logen would say yes.

We made out Ok but you know things don't seem as they see to be...

Back on the road are you still with me? Great! We are off to the Channel tunnel! I was realy excited but I read my book most of the way.

Wee wee! We are in france at a parking lot campsite thing...luckily there is a town but its a ghost town soooo...there is a beach so thats nice but its raining and cold so not much to do. Oh and there is a rainbow! Cool!

Wet and cold but a rainbow!

Good morning! Heading to France but first shopping! Next stop in France is soo cool! If you did not know im an animal lover with a cat! So this was amazing! At night having are tea when not 10 not 11 but 12 not cats but kittens showed up! Two ginger, one black, two brown and one white, can't remember the rest.

They were looking for food so Paul through some gammon over to a brave ginger one. Next is the last stop in france and will head to Spain. It was such a long drive to the last campsite in Spain. The next campsite is soo cool there is a pool, cafe and play park! We have 3 days here! Sooo excited we just went in the pool and had a huge dinner!

Now driving to the house and the next blog is the time I had in Spain.

The pizza oven Paul made and the super cool, weird shaped mountain.

One more exciting thing after chrisms...I will...have my own....Animating youtube channel!

So its going to come out after chrismas because I just got a drawing pad to draw to animate to make the greatest youtube channel on Earth! What got me wanting to do this was I was going to have my own youtube channel anyway I also wach alot of animators on youtube too. Im so happy!

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