Member xEx age 43 chronic pain over 20 years Arthritis and Nerve pain inflamation of bowls
we just need the world to change faster for the better I do what i can, talking with people open about cannabis, I wish i lived where i could grow, but I dont any more.
due to health i am a prisoner of my own home, i only go to local town, arthritis, nerve pain, tinintus, and coz naproxen caused inflamation of my bowls,
then the doctors found out the codeine was also causing me stomach problems, so now I am trying new meds combos, still got allergic reaction from the ned meds 2 days ago.. my life sucks, but other lifes sucks even more..
it`s arrived
thank you all 30 capsules strength 2.5mg and 0.5mg dropper
....***start small worker your way up*** its the DC way ***....
yes I will
...... i wanted to try them out before writing to you.
now I have the first 3 days I took 1 capsule in the morning one in the evening, but i also took codeine and gabapentin in themorning..
first 2 first night i slept so great.
this morning i had to take gabapentin,
I am really greatfull that I got to try them, and I now know that they can help control my nervepain, which i did not believe for years, as I smoked and ate so many cookies without it helping on the nerve pain, but those capsules works rather well.
also the inner wellbeing, all most feel like I could climb mountains.
yet if I knew I could get this for the rest of my life, to be able to control the pains so well, then I should be able to actually apply for work, which would be a dream.
my local gp, the owner is for cannabis, however cos he is on a commitee he wont support it pubic
I am seeing my doctor tomorrow, and i will tell him about the capsules, I will even try to see if
he will write a doctor note
but on that part my hope is low..
not because I want free products, as I would prefer to pay with no income I can not afford to.
I just want you to say the biggest thank you and if I get the doctor to write a note, i will give it to you for your archive
The DCCC capsules were conceived by the labs in spain, to be used as part of a sensible doing guide. We found that the current information being circulated around the internet was to use a starting dose of cannabis extract about the size of a grain of rice. Feedback from many people who had tried this method reported that is was too large a dose for many users, even users with previous cannabis use.
Further research into dosing led us to a dosing guide that stated the for a body mass of 75kg a dosing 1 gram of 95% THC extract (950mg) would kill cancer cells in brain tissue in the laboratory. Since at the time this was the only available research on THC and cancer, we decided we would base our dosing on that
update on how I am doing? I am very happy
hi since yesterday, I took 1 x 2.5mg capsule 3 times a day, I did not have to reach for the dropper my nerve pain was gone
only felt a few needles which normally a real stabbing pain, and for only a few seconds here and there
I have not needed to take codeine or gabapentin 🙂
I got the letter from gp
more coming soon