Lets begin with… A Sound… A Tone… A Shadow

We all need to see some changes in this world, i am the last one that want's to see other making them self sick.

Its just not worth it in the long run.


Most of all we need FUN we need to love what we are doing, even if its poo and we need to change it big time.

We got to find the Karma in the moment, in other words don't let anyone grind you down, don't let them burn you out, we can do that to our self, without any help, if we still need to.

Let me repeat "making them self sick" that what we do, we make ourself sick and then wait for someone to fix us, then get upset then they can not.

What the man or woman in the mask at the mystics office doesn't what you to know is simply... time is constant... energy is abundant...and what ever works for you.

If like me you got lost in the world, let your breath, lead you back to your self in your moment by simply focusing on your breathing..

you will need to give your mind something to do, counting slowly as you breath in and out, you will get a number, just repeat counting to that number as you berth in and out...


If your mind wonders on to something, simply forgive your self, for losing your focus and bring your mind back to counting, once you got it, should not take long but don't rush it, give yourself a little time.

Then relax close your eye, keep your mouth open it helps a lot with breathing,  feel your breath flowing in and out of your body, let it take away anything that been bothering you.

Then come back to the focus of your breath, in your body with your mind counting.. thank your self when you get to this point, then become aware of the earth under your feet and your rhythmic breathing as you breath in and out to that same number.. open your eyes and smile

This work on everything that breath the atmosphere on this planet and can count, you may have to do it a few time, but once you get it you can retune to being centred, no matter what's happening in your life by simply counting to your number, you will spot when your breathing is not rhythmic and be able to centre your self in a few moment.

It worth a few goes. if you dont get it first time..... have a go at bed time if you can not sleep and wake up feeling brand new.

Now we are centred from within, lets begin.... with

A Sound

A Tone

A Shadow

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